Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Book of Life

I've always wanted to be the author of the best "book about life" available. I always bemoaned the fact that there is no good book of this sort (my opinion, of course), and frequently thought there should be. I wanted a book to help people through the hardest times in life, to help them find happiness in life, to help them find meaning to their life, to help them accomplish what they want to accomplish, and to be genuinely good people.

I think I always knew that there could be no perfect book like this, and as I've grown older, that thought has solidified for me -- what is right and most helpful for one person at one time is not necessarily right or helpful for another person or even that same person at a different time. Maybe I'll save more discussion of that concept for another post.

What got me started thinking about this today was some of the humorous aspects of my thoughts about writing such a book of life. One was that I always liked to joke that I wanted to write a book about life as soon as I was done, because then I would have learned as much as possible about it!

Also humorous has been my efforts at thinking of what the best title for the book would be, and here are some of my top choices so far:

Life (as I know it)
Life: Your Mileage Will Vary
Life: Nobody Gets Out Alive
Life: We Apologize for the Inconvenience
The Cliff Notes of Life


Midlife Midwife said...

he he. LOVE the book titles

Omega said...

Why don't you write the “book of life” as you live it, if you’re diligent it will be finished when you die. Then someone can publish it and enjoy all the things you couldn’t do, with the money you made them.